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eiffel tower replicas造句

  • Three legs of the Eiffel Tower replica will rest in the casino.
  • Paul Pusateri, resort president, said as he stood in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower replica.
  • However, in 1999, Las Vegas erected a 540-foot-tall Eiffel Tower replica along the Strip.
  • The overall height of Intimidator 305 is higher than the observation platform of the park's Eiffel Tower replica, making it one of the tallest rides at Kings Dominion.
  • "Everything is to the letter like you'd find it in Paris, " says resort president Paul Pusateri, standing in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower replica.
  • The " W " neon sign, which topped the building on the Eiffel Tower replica, was removed before the demolition and was replicated and re-installed on January 9, 2010, now boasting energy-saving LED lights.
  • It lit up its scaled-down Eiffel Tower replica and welcomed a stampede of curiosity-seekers into a property that boasted all rooms finished, all restaurants and shops open, a casino clanging and whirring for all it was worth.
  • Ilie would have prompted confusion in the Lone Star state with the un-Texan-like Eiffel Tower replica on his property, but he adopted the capitalism of the show's lead villain : He charges 5, 000 lei ( dlrs 1.60 ) to visit the 247-acre ( 100 hectares ) ranch resort.
  • The fountain lends its romance to everything that comes in contact with it; the Le Cirque restaurant at the Bellagio that overlooks the lake ( one of the few restaurants that requires men to wear a jacket and tie ); the panorama from the Eiffel Tower replica at the Paris casino; and even the view from nearby hotel rooms.
  • Both Paris of Texas and Paris, Tennessee built Eiffel Tower replicas in 1993 : Tennessee's was built at Christian Brothers University ( in Memphis ) and was 60 feet tall; the one in Texas was built by the Boilermakers 902, a labor union representing workers of the former Babcock & Wilcox Paris Plant, and was 65 feet tall.
  • It's difficult to see eiffel tower replicas in a sentence. 用eiffel tower replicas造句挺难的
  • "We look at Shenzhen, look at the way the rest of the country is developing, and think Hong Kong will be all right in future, that Beijing supports us, " said Lam Tse-ming, a Hong Kong retiree on a day trip to Shenzhen's Window of the World theme park, where the Eiffel Tower replica rises one-third as high as the real thing.
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